YogiPi School of Yoga

Why YogiPi Yoga Teacher Training?

Cultivating Talented Holistic Yoga Teachers & Practitioners

With Yoga Teacher Trainings it’s like with most things in life: The abundance of offers is so incredibly rich – it is almost intimidating. Who should I choose? Who is the most suitable teacher for me? Which course I can benefit the most from?

We at YogiPi know that these are not simple questions, and to be honest, we cannot offer you the right answers off-hand. What we do offer is a set of affordable, intimate and inclusive trainings in one of the most beautiful yoga-locations in India for those who seek to improve their yoga practice and wish to become wholehearted, qualified yoga teachers.

If you would ask some of our former students, they would tell you that they had enjoyed our small group sizes of max. 20 participants per training. The simple but focused lifestyle, the cosy accommodations and the healthy food that are essential elements in our yoga TTC – and included in our price. The incomparable blend of people from all over the world that come together to experience life purely, each time we hold our courses. Not to forget about all the never-to-be-forgotten memories we craft together.

And yet we are aware that our trainings may not be for everyone. There are some things that we do slightly different here. But if you are looking for a unique program that is not only determined by the curriculum and hours of practice, but also by the bonds that form between us, if you are willing to be challenged, overjoyed and awakened by our trainings and if you think humour is just as important as diligence, than we are quite sure that it might be just the thing for you.

YogiPi Teacher Trainings celebrate humans as they are. That’s why quirkiness will be acclaimed. Sorrow shared. Appetite stoked. Your unique contribution is considered essential. Our goal is not to turn out teachers who sound alike; but to illuminate and cultivate each student’s unique gifts to share this ancient wisdom of Yogis.

We hold our trainings in one the oldest, beautiful and peaceful ashram in Rishikesh in the foothills of the Himalayas in India. In a lush green and pristine nature setting, surrounded by well maintained gardens and overlooking the River Ganges. We welcome you cordially to join us on this truly spiritual Yogic journey and we can’t wait to get to our mats together with you!
Make sure you apply as soon as possible, as we have only limited spaces available and will under no circumstances extend our limits. That’s how we make sure that our quality standards remain as high as they are.

At YogiPi, we believe that yoga should be accessible to everyone. To that end, we offer affordable, intimate and inclusive trainings.

YogiPi does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, colour, ethnicity, origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender expression, age, height, weight, physical or mental ability. In other words, all are genuinely welcome.

Inhale and God approaches you. Hold the inhalation and God remains with you.
Exhale and you approach God. Hold the exhalation and surrender to God.


Come and Join us
Presencial Online Classes
200hr Yoga Teacher Training Course

YogiPi (Piyush Patel)

Who I was and who I am… Born in London with an Indian heritage you might think I had some sort of inclination to yoga from an early age. That could not be any further from the truth. Since I was young I was hungry for life, for all its various forms, and only now in retrospect can I say, that all the roads and detours eventually led me to Yoga. Often you don’t see the guiding thread until you reach that certain point when everything falls into place and you say: Now I understand. For me that point was when I discovered Yoga and Meditation.

We would LOVE to hear from you!

Any thoughts, questions or uncertainty about YogiPi yoga? Don’t hesitate to contact us using the details below, or fill out the form.

E-mail: info@yogipi.com

Contact +91 91 93586020

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